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- public class PlainDocument
- extends AbstractDocument
A plain document that uses one font and color.
Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
future swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate
for short term storage or RMI between Swing1.0 applications. It will
not be possible to load serialized Swing1.0 objects with future releases
of Swing. The JDK1.2 release of Swing will be the compatibility
baseline for the serialized form of Swing objects.
- See Also:
- Document, AbstractDocument
- Name of the attribute that specifies the maximum
length of a line, if there is a maximum length.
- Name of the attribute that specifies the tab
size for tabs contained in the content.
- Constructs a plain text document.
PlainDocument(AbstractDocument. Content)
- Constructs a plain text document.
- Creates the root element to be used to represent the
default document structure.
- Gets the default root element for the document model.
insertUpdate(AbstractDocument. DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet)
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
removeUpdate(AbstractDocument. DefaultDocumentEvent)
- Updates any document structure as a result of text removal.
public static final String tabSizeAttribute
- Name of the attribute that specifies the tab
size for tabs contained in the content. The
type for the value is Integer.
public static final String lineLimitAttribute
- Name of the attribute that specifies the maximum
length of a line, if there is a maximum length.
The type for the value is Integer.
public PlainDocument()
- Constructs a plain text document. A default model using StringContent
is constructed and set.
protected PlainDocument(AbstractDocument. Content c)
- Constructs a plain text document. A default root element is created,
and the tab size set to 8.
- Parameters:
- c - the container for the content
public Element getDefaultRootElement()
- Gets the default root element for the document model.
- Returns:
- the root
- Overrides:
- getDefaultRootElement in class AbstractDocument
- See Also:
- getDefaultRootElement
protected AbstractDocument. AbstractElement createDefaultRoot()
- Creates the root element to be used to represent the
default document structure.
- Returns:
- the element base
protected void insertUpdate(AbstractDocument. DefaultDocumentEvent chng,
AttributeSet attr)
- Updates document structure as a result of text insertion. This
will happen within a write lock. Since this document simply
maps out lines, we refresh the line map.
- Parameters:
- chng - the change event describing the dit
- attr - the set of attributes for the inserted text
- Overrides:
- insertUpdate in class AbstractDocument
protected void removeUpdate(AbstractDocument. DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
- Updates any document structure as a result of text removal.
This will happen within a write lock. Since the structure
represents a line map, this just checks to see if the
removal spans lines. If it does, the two lines outside
of the removal area are joined together.
- Parameters:
- chng - the change event describing the edit
- Overrides:
- removeUpdate in class AbstractDocument
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